Characteristics of Codependence or how to understand that I am codependent?
The codependents in most cases:
- think and feel that they are responsible for the addict – for their emotions, thoughts, actions, choices, desires, needs and in general for their fate;
- worry, feel pity and guilt for every problem that arises;
- feel obligated – almost forced to react immediately to every action of the addict;
- try to please the addict at their own expense;
- feel constant tension and feel tired.
Low self-esteem
The codependents most often:
- constantly blame themselves;
- blame themselves for everything they think of, including the way they think, feel, look, act and behave;
- think they are not good enough;
- fear rejection;
- feel ashamed of themselves;
- feel ashamed of the problem in the family;
- feel confused, being losers, etc. – in response to the problems and failures of the addict in the family;
- are convinced that they do not deserve to be happy or that something good could happen to them;
- do not believe that they can love and be loved.
Obsessive thoughts
The codependents tend to:
- be terribly worried about a problem or a person;
- worry about trifles;
- focus all their energy only on the problem or the person;
- abandon their duties because they are constantly upset by their problems.
Most of the codependent:
- live in an uncontrollable environment and with uncontrollable people, which inflicts daily pain and frustration;
- do not notice or try to notice their fear of losing control;
- think they know best how to fix things and how to control problems;
- try to control everything and everyone around them through helplessness, sense of guilt, violence, threats, advice, manipulation or domination.
Codependents most often:
- deny long before acknowledging their problems;
- belittle their problems;
- believe lies; they delude themselves.
Most codependent:
- get ‘hooked’ on each person and anything they think can help them solve their problems;
- need other persons more rather than wanting to be with them;
- allow others to abuse them in order not to lose them;
- feel trapped, maintaining certain relationships;
- desperately need love and approval;
- worry that the other will abandon them.
Unstable borders
Codependents often:
- state that they will not allow others to behave in a certain way;
- gradually expand their limits of tolerance until they eventually begin to do and allow others to do things, they have said they would never allow;
- allow others to hurt them;
Progressive move
In the late stages of codependence, people sometimes:
- are overwhelmed by lethargy;
- feel depressed;
- feel alienated and isolated from the world;
- neglect their children and other responsibilities;
- experience feelings of hopelessness;
- think of suicide;
- get infuriated;
- suffer from a severe emotional, mental or physical disorder;
- get addicted to alcohol, drugs or narcotics.