Drug Codependence
What are the symptoms of drug addiction?
- the user cannot control the use and thinks that it is their own choice;
- the intake of substances becomes a priority, so responsibilities, interests, even personal hygiene are neglected;
- often the thought of drugs starts with waking up and getting some becomes a daily goal;
- the user loses the desire for social life, if is not connected with that use;
- there is lack of professional ambition and desire to achieve higher results when using marijuana and opiates or excessive ambition and activity when taking stimulants;
- there appear obsessive thoughts, paranoia, episodes of fear of assault, surveillance, attack, conspiracy, etc.;
- inadequacy, disorders of mental activity and memory functions are observed;
- hyperactivity, rapid speech, aggressive behaviour, periods of lack of sleep followed by excessively long sleep, change of regime (sleep during the day and waking up at night), as well as the opposite: laziness, sluggishness, drowsiness, lack of interest, etc .;
- frequent mood swings;
- systematic conflicts with the relatives;
- lack of money, belongings and jewelry from home and open contracts with pawnshops, banks or quick loans, loans from friends and acquaintances;
- there are problems with law enforcement, arrests for theft and criminal behaviour towards other people.
How to help the drug addict and yourself?
- Recognition of the problem
Quite often, family members intuitively sense that something is wrong. And intuition rarely lies about these things. Here it is extremely important to face the problem, to look it in the eye and to seek adequate help.
- Exemption from guilt
You should not look for the reason why it started. There is no point in blaming yourself and digging holes. The most important thing is to return them to normal life before irreversible damage occurs.
- Distancing and looking from aside
Our emotional connection to the addict does not allow us to see the truth and we often succumb to manipulation. You should know that the addict is the most skillful manipulator, do not give in to promises to control the use or stop it. Sometimes the manipulation reaches the point that parents and relatives buy drugs, deluding themselves that they control the intake, the source and the quantities taken. Say NO to the manipulation and decide on the treatment before it is too late.
- Drug addiction is a disease. It can be fatal.
It is a well-known fact that today’s synthetic stimulants, the so-called modern drugs, even common marijuana in its new “bathed” forms, cause permanent brain damage, mental illness from mild paranoia to bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. You should also know that not only systematic use is to blame for the latter. Even if the use is not daily, the next intake can trigger mental illness. Therefore, any delay in treatment can be fatal.