
13 Best Books on Codependency for 2022
Codependency does not have a scientific method of diagnosis, which can make it difficult to understand and deal with. Codependent people rely on others to help soothe and control their own emotions, which can lead to unhealthy boundaries and a lack of self-care. These books offer several ways to deal with and identify codependent behaviors within relationships, families, and lifestyles.
Residential Codependency Treatment
Codependency is a compulsive disorder that can lead to an individual developing an unhealthy reliance on people or things for their emotional needs. Originally, the term ‘codependent’ as used to describe partners who were in a relationship with, a person suffering from addiction.
Codependency and codependent relationships could be unhealthy, here’s why
We should be striving for interdependence in our relationships.
The personal confession of a daughter Part 1 / BG
Личната изповед на една дъщеря – The personal confession of a daughter Част 1 / Part 1 BG
The personal confession of a daughter Part 3 / BG
Личната изповед на една дъщеря – The personal confession of a daughter Част 3 / Part 3 BG
The personal confession of a daughter Part 2 / BG
Личната изповед на една дъщеря – The personal confession of a daughter Част 2 / Part 2 BG
Любовта е Избор
Да се освободим от нездравите взаимоотношения!
Вашите Слаби Места
Вгледайте се в себе си, в собствената ви жажда за живот, в ежедневното ви поведение и открийте вашите слаби места.
Дайър посочва нашите психически бариери, врастнали в навиците и мислите ни, и разказва как да ги преодолеем.
Никога Вече Съзависим
Тезата на Мелъди Бийти е, че сърцевината на проблема е в самия съзависим. Той е позволил поведението на друг да го ръководи и в желанието си да се справи с проблема, се самоограничава, руши психиката си и постоянно изпитва чувство на гняв и вина, ненавиждайки дори себе си. Мнозина смятат – и с основание – съзависимостта за болест.
Pain and Glory / Болка и величие (2019)
A film director reflects on the choices he’s made in life as the past and present come crashing down around him.
When a Man Loves a Woman / Когато един мъж обича една жена (1994)
The seemingly perfect relationship between a man and his wife is tested as a result of her alcoholism.
Thanks for Sharing / Благодаря, че сподели (2012)
A romantic comedy that brings together three disparate characters who are learning to face a challenging and often confusing world as they struggle together against a common demon: sex addiction.